Euro & Hedge Funds Sektor Pertanian US Dollar SingTel Krisis Ekonomi Takaful vs Insurans
Last Update:
10 May, 2000
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From: Basheer
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 13:48:25 +0100
Subject: euro & hedge funds
At 20:13 02/05/00 +0800, you wrote:
>minta komen sikit,
>1) penurunan nilai euro dll mw utama
>"....the euro sank from 92.35 US cents on Wednesday to a new low of 90.65
>cents. It rebounded slightly in late New York trading, to 90.95 cents.
>"The euro is now in uncharted waters, and you don't know how far it will go
>down," said Gerhard Grebe, an economist at Bank Julius Baer in Frankfurt.
>Until recently, the decline of the euro was more of a political
>embarrassment than an economic problem. Indeed, the weak euro has provided a
>major boost to European exporters by making their products cheap in terms of
>dollars and providing many with extra profits from sales in the United
Saya teramat sibuk untuk nak beri full respond, however the issue really
attract perhatian untuk menyimpang dari kerja saya. One of the reason
kenapa UK refused to adopt Euro Currency adalah kerana nilainya yang makin
menyusut dan tidak stabil. Tapi UK is losing out kerana banyak business
interest dari Europe is pulling out from UK dan telah menyebabkan economic
instability dan unemployment meningkat di UK. Contoh terbaru ialah BMW
menarik diri dari Rover kerana it has become to expensive for BMW to
finance Rover - dikhuatiri 13,000 pekerja akan dibuang dari Rover
Longbridge factory.
More to come......
Basheer |